PreplyHomeEnglishTask2: Families who send their children to private schools shouldnt pay tax

Task2: Families who send their children to private schools shouldnt pay tax

Families who send their children to private schools should not be required to pay taxes that support the state education system. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? These days, many affluent families have a tendency to let their children study at private schools. Therefore, many of them generally believe that it is unnecessary to spend their money on education taxes. However, I argue that parents whose their children studying in private schools do not have to pay taxes for the education system. To begin with, it would be unfair if people who send their children to the private school were not responsible for spending money on education taxes. Firstly, everyone has to pay for all kinds of taxes for decades. Therefore, some individuals might feel as they are treated unfairly if these people did not take the responsibilities for paying these education taxes. Poor people may not be satisfied if they had to pay more taxes than rich people. Secondly, not only these families, many other people still need to pay for some taxes even if they might not use the services at any time in their lives. For instance, there are many residents who have to pay for health care tax although their health is good and they may not need to go to the hospital for having any treatment. Indeed, it might be inappropriate for these families not to pay for education taxes. Moreover, by paying for education taxes, people would live in a better life. Because money is spent on education system, it would enhance the quality of teaching and schooling. In addition, more students whose their parents have financial disadvantages could be allowed to go to school. Therefore, there would be more well-educated people in the community and society, which means the nation might develop quickly due to the help of them. In fact, as a resident, everyone need to act in order to make the country grow up significantly. In conclusion, admittedly, whatever families whose their children learn in private schools or not, paying for education taxes is necessary that everyone are accountable to do.

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Hi Gracia Your question is beyond the scope of this “Questions and Answers” page. For comprehensive explanations, book some lessons to benefit more. This page does not provide essay marking services. Sign up with me and I'll prepare you for IELTS and assess your writing. Best Regards

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Hello, Your question is beyond the scope of this Q&A page. I recommend that you sign up with a Tutor to help you. Regards

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Hello, Gracia! This is a good start for this essay. I can see that you have some good arguments in mind; however, a few of your points confused me.

Here are a couple things to think about as you revise this essay:

  • In the first half of your essay, you seem to contradict yourself. In other words, you present 2 arguments that are opposites. (1) “I argue that parents whose their children studying in private schools do not have to pay…” (2) “it would be unfair if people who send their children to the private school were not responsible for spending money on education taxes.”
  • To clarify your arguments, I suggest reviewing some general sentence structure patterns and studying the grammar of negatives and how they are used in English. English has some specific patterns which can help you to make a clear statement.

Preply has some great grammar topics in exactly these areas, and there are also some beautifully qualified tutors who specialize in exam essay writing. You will get access to the grammar materials as a Preply student, and your personalized tutor can help you more deeply understand how to apply these skills in your essays.

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