PreplyHomeEnglishTask2:Young people don't spend weekends or holiday doing outdoor activities

Task2:Young people don't spend weekends or holiday doing outdoor activities

Nowadays young people don't spend their weekends or holidays doing outdoor activities in natural environments (e.g. hiking, mountain climbing). What's the reason for this? What can be done to encourage them to do so? In contemporary days, young generations tend to spend less and less time on outdoor activities such as hiking and mountain climbing. This essay will argue that the possible reason for this negative trend is that children are getting addicted to using the internet namely online games and social media, and it will also suggest several potential remedies to solve this matter. Technology is the main culprit to blame for causing children not to play outside. According to recent studies, the majority of young people have a tendency to use most of their spare time inside of the house to play computer games or using social platforms like Facebook, Youtube, etc. For instance, my niece was Tiktoker when she turned 7 years old, and she spent days and nights making videos. In other words, excessive screen time is possibly the reason that affects children’s playtime outside. There are a number of methods parents and schools can do to encourage their children to play outside of the house. Firstly, schools can organize more camping holidays or competitions such as running, and treasure hunt and so on to attract their students to join in. Furthermore, parents should spend more time having fun with their sons and daughters outside and help their offspring develop a habit of enjoying their spare time with nature instead of sitting in front of a computer. Take my sister as an example, she always tries to take her daughter out for some cardiovascular workout in the early morning to encourage her daughter to go outside more often. In conclusion, young generations do not spend their leisure time doing hiking, mountain climbing, and other outdoor activities because of being addicted to using technology, however, parents and schools can get children to involve more in those hobbies by creating more opportunities for them to enjoy and get used to being outside.

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Hi Julia Your question is beyond the scope of this “Questions and Answers” page. For comprehensive explanations, book some lessons to benefit more. This page does not provide essay marking services. Sign up with me and I'll prepare you for IELTS and assess your writing. Best Regards

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Hello, Your question is beyond the scope of this Q&A page. I recommend that you sign up with a Tutor to help you. Regards

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Fun and effective English tutor with MA TESOL and 12 years of experience

Julia, great job showing off your essay organization skills! I can easily see how much you have worked on essay development.

To revise and improve your writing, I suggest continued focus on language development:

  • Your thesis statement is great; it tells me what to expect in your argument and contains specific details. To support this, study some of your language choices. For example, most native speakers would not use the phrase ‘contemporary days’ in this way. You could consider replacing this phrase with ‘these days,’ ‘nowadays,’ or a similar expression.
  • It will also be useful to continue reading your favorite English writers. This will give you more insight into common collocations. There are a few places in your essay where your choice of connective language is not quite natural. For example, ‘...a number of methods parents and schools can do…’ - the verb ‘do’ isn’t the most natural choice here; ‘use’ might be stronger.

There are a few other points that would benefit from a deeper conversation with a Preply tutor, followed by a revision of your work and a final review. Although my tutoring schedule is currently booked, there are many excellent Preply tutors qualified to guide you through high-level exam preparation.

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