PreplyHomeEnglishWriting task 2: People nowdays tend to have children at older ages.

Writing task 2: People nowdays tend to have children at older ages.

Nowadays, people tend to have children at older ages. People tend to make such a decision keeping its short term advantages in mind while ignoring its obvious long term disadvantages. In my opinion, however, the downsides of this trend outweigh its perceived advantages. People, these days, opt to become parents at older ages citing multiple reasons. For one, people believe that they ought to be mature enough to raise a child and they claim that maturity comes with age. Moreover, they are reluctant to take up responsibility of bringing up a child while they are young because they want to enjoy life to the fullest while they can. For instance, travelling can be done carefree if a couple has not conceived yet. People also claim that one should become a parent after being financially settled in life and that is more likely to happen at an older age. While these advantages of conceiving late are truly present, the disadvantages of this trend overwhelmingly outweigh them. Firstly, conceiving at an older age is more likely to lead to medical complications for the mother and the baby as well. For instance, older age mothers are more likely to give birth to babies with down syndrome and are also more likely to experience a miscarriage. Parents should, therefore, be aware of these risks of conceiving at an old age and its consequences and the repercussions of such a decision. Moreover, older parents are less likely to witness the birth of their grandchildren since they are more likely to have passed away by then. Furthermore, the energy and time that can be invested at a younger age on bringing up a child are also not available during older years when a person is busy at work and also low on energy. The longer time gap between parents and children will also hinder the parents' ability to relate with their children and their issues. They would find it difficult to understand the modern problems of their children. In addition to this, at retirement, a child in school would be a burden to the parents and all of this would be a result of an ill timed decision. In my opinion, the cons of having children at an older age and the pros of having children at a younger age should be enough to convince couples to become parents at an early age. In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that the modern trend of having children at an older age has more disadvantages than advantages and couples should bear these disadvantages in mind while making such an important decision.

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Hi Rosy Your question is beyond the scope of this “Questions and Answers” page. For comprehensive explanations, book some lessons to benefit more. Tutors are happy and are there to show you how to do, but not do the work for you. Sign up with me and I'll prepare you for IELTS and assess your writing. Best Regards

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Hello, Your question is beyond the scope of this Q&A page. I recommend that you sign up with a Tutor to help you. Regards

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Fun and effective English tutor with MA TESOL and 12 years of experience

Hello, Rosy! Nice work with this essay. You’ve shown off your ability to use transitional language and organize your ideas.

Here are a few thoughts you might use to revise and strengthen this essay:

  • You include many good points in your essay. However, there is a trend here of listing many points rather than focusing on just a few key points and supporting those with evidence and expanded argument.
  • You might even consider turning this into a 5-paragraph essay and moving your acknowledgement of the opposing view into the introduction. This would allow you to develop 3 body paragraphs with supporting evidence.
  • Also, consider being more specific in a few places. For example, when you open the first body paragraph with “...citing multiple reasons,” I would prefer to see a short, gist statement of the reasons rather than this generalization.

These are some rather large modifications to think about, and you could dig much deeper with a tutor on Preply. I know there are some exceptional Preply tutors who specialize in exactly this type of essay development for high-stakes exams - just search for IELTS or TOEFL, and you’ll find many awesome tutors.

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I agree with your assessment of the pros and cons of having children at older ages. It's important for couples to consider all of the potential risks and drawbacks before making a decision about when to have children. As you mentioned, there are definitely some advantages to waiting until later in life to become a parent, such as being more financially stable and mature. However, the risks and potential difficulties of having children at an older age should not be overlooked. It's also worth considering that, as you mentioned, the energy and time available for raising children can be limited at an older age. Additionally, the age gap between parents and children can make it harder for the parents to relate to and understand their children's experiences. As someone who has recently adopted a child through, I understand the importance of being prepared for the challenges and responsibilities of parenthood. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this important topic.

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Please discuss with a teacher in your lessons for feedback and writing skill tips.

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